0909_The Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan

Believe it or not, you can stick your hand into one of these volcanoes!

Dip your hands into the cool, creamy mud of these tiny natural wonders

[Steve & Hazel]


There is nothing to be afraid of.

It sounds like a volcano erupting.

[Chip & Chelsea]

Volcanoes usually generate fear (cause fear to exist), and for good reason, since their eruptions have been known to wipe out (erase/ destroy completely) entire towns and villages. The volcanoes found in Azerbaijan, however, inspire curiosity and even laughter. Filled with cool mud instead of red-hot magma (lava, liquid rock), these mud volcanoes are much smaller than typical volcanoes, with most no more than four meters tall.
Looks can be deceiving, however. Once every 20 years or so, these seemingly calm, mud-filled cones
erupt (exploded, blow out) forcefully, spewing tons of mud and rock fragments from deep underground. These volcanoes occasionally put on a show like the Lok-Batan mud volcano did in 2001, when it shot a fireball hundreds of meters into the air.
Azerbaijan boasts (proud to have) over 300 mud volcanoes, approximately half of all the mud volcanoes in the world. Many of them are located near the Caspian Sea, and some are actually underwater. Like all volcanoes, mud volcanoes provide a window (a clear view) into the geological processes occurring deep below the Earth’s surface. In this case, the mud, rocks and flames that flow from the volcanoes are all evidence of Azerbaijan’s rich deposits of oil and natural gas.

[Traditional Chinese Translation]

[More Information]

[Ashley & Ken]

A: So, Ken. What are you reading today?

K: Oh, I’m reading an article about mud volcanoes.

A: Mud volcanoes? How interesting!

K: Yeah, it’s very interesting. But Ashley, it’s says here Looks can be deceiving, I don’t understand, what are looks? Do these volcanoes have more than one look?

A: Oh, no Ken. Looks plural just means the appearance of something. You might like the looks of a place when you first see it.

K: Which is the appearance of the place?

A: You’ve got it.

K: So, is that the same as a person’s good looks?

A: No quite. A person’s good looks refer to his or her physical appearance, especially when it’s pleasing.

K: So, do you mean we can’t talk about someone’s bad looks?

A: That’s right. The word looks usually has a positive meaning. You usually talk about a person’s good looks and we never say someone has bad looks.

K: What about good-looking? Is that the same as good looks?

A: Good-looking is an adjective and it can be used to describe something more than physical appearance. For example, that’s a good-looking tie you’re wearing. But good looks only refers to physical appearance, especially facial appearance.

K: I see. So a person with good looks is a looker, right?

A: Yes, that’s right. A looker is a good-looking person, especially a good-looking woman. But you should remember that looker is slang, it should never be used in formal situations.

K: Hmm, well, looks like you’ve answered all of my questions.

A: Let me know if you get more.

K: Thanks. I will.


今天的課文提到looks can be deceiving,注意這個名詞looks用複數指的就是外貌、外在的樣子,looks如果用在人身上表示一個人的容貌、面貌,而且looks都會用來表示好看的面貌,比如說good looks就是美貌、好看的長相,但是我們不會說bad looksgood looks是個名詞短語,而good-looking是形容詞。除了用在長相,good-looking也可以用在其它的地方,比如說a good-looking shirta good-looking carlooker是一個俚語表示一個美貌的人,比如說She is grown up to be a real looker就是女大十八變的意思。



[課文] Volcanoes usually generate fear, and for good reason, since their eruptions have been known to wipe out entire towns and villages.
[Tips] for good reason ~ what was just mentioned is obvious. Use this sentence to emphasize how true or understandable something is.
->Volcanoes usually generate fear, and this is obvious since their eruptions have been known to wipe out entire towns and villages.
*Richard doesn’t like that restaurant, and for good reason – their service isn’t very good.
*Kyle doesn’t want to work with Susan – and for good reason. He had a bad experience working with her before.



wipe somebody/somethingout, to destroy or remove somebody/something completely 徹底消滅;全部摧毀 often passive

1.       Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake. 地震把整座整座的村莊夷為平地。

2.       Last year’s profits were virtually wiped out. 去年的利潤幾乎全都賠光了。

3.       a campaign to wipe out malaria 消滅瘧疾的運動


Magma [ˈmægmə] (n.) [U] 岩漿。
*Upward pressure from underlying magma domes the surface.
Deceive (v.) 欺騙,哄騙。
Deceiver (n.) 騙子。
*You can’t pass exams without working, so don’t deceive yourself (into thinking you can).
*We were deceived into believing that he could help us.
*His friendly manner did not deceive us for long. 
Seemingly (adv.) (= apparently) 表面上,似乎。
*She plays with seemingly effortless skill.
*Any seemingly viable proposition will be tested by market research.
Spew [spjuː] (v.) 噴出,射出。
*Water spewed out of the hole.
*The volcano spewed molten lava.
Fragment (n.) 碎片,(某事物的)片段或不完整部分。(v.) (使某物)破碎或裂開,分離。
Fragmented (adj.) 碎片的,片段的。
*glass fragments
*I heard only a fragment of their conversation.
*Ownership of the large estates is increasingly fragmented.
Boast (v.) 1. 自誇,自吹自擂。2. (引以為傲的事物)(n.) 自誇的話,引以為傲的事物。
Boaster (n.) 自誇者。
*That’s nothing to boast about.
*The town boasts a world-famous art gallery. 
*It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day’s work because of illness.

to have something that is impressive and that you can be proud of 有(值得自豪的東西) VNwritten

  • The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course. 那家賓館還擁有兩個游泳池和一個高爾夫球場。

Deposit [dɪˈpɑːzɪt] (n.) 1. 定金,押金,保證金。2. 存款。3. (液體,河流等的)沉積物。(v.) 1. (formal) 放下某物。2. 沉積。3. (錢或某物)放在銀行或安全的地方。
*The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit. 
*I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.
*A thick deposit of mud lay on the fields when the flood went down.
*Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.
*I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house.
*The check was only deposited yesterday, so it hasn’t been cleared yet.


deceive (v) 誤導,欺騙
The con man deceived everyone with his lies.
deceive someone into doing something   
She deceived us into believing that she received a promotion at work.
spew (v)
Cars raced by spewing(=exhausting) black exhaust fumes into the air.
The volcano spewed gas and dust just before it erupted.
Pages of the report spewed out from the computer printer.
fragment (n)
Fragments from the broken vase spread around the floor.
I can only remember fragments of the poem.




stick into, for good reason, magma, spew, deceive, fragment, a good-looking shirt, good looks, looker, boast, rich deposit, deep below, think deeply, con man, exhaust fumes, vase, poem, muddy

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